Gemini Daily Health Horoscope

Gemini Daily Health Horoscope
Gemini Daily Health Horoscope

Horoscope For Yesterday

Daily Health Horoscope for Gemini

YToday provides a wonderful transit for you. You will be able to notice what you are ready to get rid of – certain behavior patterns, old food in the cupboards, and old clothes in the closet. Even some relationships may reveal themselves to be unhealthy and outgrown. You can gain a lot by giving up the old and outdated. Take stock of your life – get rid of what doesn’t work for you and create room for all that is new.

Horoscope For Today

Daily Health Horoscope for Gemini

Today’s energy is all about knowing what you need in your life in terms of structure, and then abiding by this in the most original and true-to-form manner possible. For instance, if you love ice-cream and yet hate what it does to your body, it is paramount that you develop a love of Tofutti or some other, less troubling, substitute. If you do not take the initiative, something else will: your cholesterol level, for example!

Horoscope For Tomorrow

Daily Health Horoscope for Gemini

Speaking your truth is the beauty of life and relationships, otherwise all beauty is hollow, and life becomes merely a charade. If you feel the tug of certain buried truths, it is wise to welcome them forth with the dedication to making yourself whole. If you feel you need more sleep in order to gear up for the changes you sense afoot, have the courage to say no to an evening out, and get to bed as early as you see fit. No excuses necessary!

Gemini Daily Health Horoscope
Gemini Daily Health Horoscope