October 25 Birthday Horoscope

October 25 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

October 25 Birthday Horoscope
October 25 Birthday Horoscope

October 25 Zodiac Sign - Scorpio

Being a Scorpio born on October 25th, your ambition, passion, and composure are amongst your most well-known qualities. While others may be content with their place in life, you always strive for the next level of success. Your ambition can be unmatched at times, as you are willing to work tirelessly to meet the goals that you create for yourself. Your passion runs deep, but your composure allows you to appear calm and calculated to those around you. Your outward reserve is so well-developed, that even your friends and family struggle to understand you.

October 25 Birthday Element - Water

Water is your sign’s paired element and as a Scorpio, you are the only zodiac sign with a fixed connection to the element. You are very comfortable in the seas of emotions, at times experiencing strong waves. Your connection to water allows you to understand your own emotions, but it also allows you to realize when others are experiencing troubled waters. Water’s influence can make you as determined as an underwater current, but be aware that too much determination can easily become stubborn.

October 25 Ruling Planet - Pluto

The Scorpio’s planetary ruler is Pluto and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive twice Pluto’s mysterious planetary power. Pluto’s influence shows itself in your never-ending pursuit of power, transformation, and renewal. Pluto drives you to be better, to be successful, and to grow. You want the best out of all aspects of life, but especially your financial and emotional standing. Your ambition can be your greatest asset, but it can become detrimental to your personal life if you become too involved in your personal goals. Your understanding of emotions gives you a unique power over others, be careful not to abuse this power!

October 25 Scorpio Personality

The past is never far from Scorpios born on October 25. They compare each new experience to what they have known. With their sensitive and imaginative nature, dreams and illusions are as concrete as reality. There is an ageless quality about them. In youth, they may seem older, while aging seems to refine their unique qualities.

October 25 Birthday Horoscope
October 25 Birthday Horoscope