October 20 Birthday Horoscope

October 20 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

October 20 Birthday Horoscope
October 20 Birthday Horoscope

October 20 Zodiac Sign - Libra

As a Libra born on October 20th, your personality is characterized by your analytical mind, social nature, and commitment to loyalty. Social settings are most appealing to you, as you become engaged in sharing your thoughts and observations with those around you. Your friends, coworkers, and peers, can easily appreciate your clever communication, but they may value the most for your loyalty. In all your relationships, you value loyalty and reliability over all else.

October 20 Birthday Element - Air

The Libra’s paired element is air and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a fundamental connection to the element. Air’s influence drives you to be a self-starter. Your mind is always active, as curiosity stirs inside you like a strong wind. You pursue knowledge tirelessly, which will play a key role in future success. Your greatest challenge will be avoiding the negative qualities of still air, which create moods of aloofness and social distance.

October 20 Ruling Planet - Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a generous amount of planetary influence from Mercury as well. Venus, being the planet of harmony, connects to your social nature and desire for cooperation. Similarly, it is Mercury that ties to your longing for knowledge and communication skills. These two planetary influences combine to give you a far more analytical mindset than the other Libra Decans. You will find meaning in life from your own intellectual pursuits, but you will gain greater satisfaction when you can learn from others as well. Allow your intelligence and emotions to play an equal role in life’s challenges. In love, find a partner that aligns with your values of harmony and loyalty, as this partnership will bring you the most happiness.

October 20 Libra Personality

Libras born on October 20 embody the yin-yang principle: Duality is their defining characteristic. At times, they may appear aloof. October 20 people have profound intellectual potential, yet they may lack the discipline to study any subject in depth. They extract the information they need, then move on to something else.

October 20 Birthday Horoscope
October 20 Birthday Horoscope