January 18 Birthday Horoscope

January 18 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

January 18 Birthday Horoscope
January 18 Birthday Horoscope

January 18 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on January 18th, your personality is defined by your loyalty, intelligence, and discipline. Your friends and family would be the first to praise your loyal nature, as you always seem to have their best interests at heart. While your loved ones appreciate your devotion to their needs, they may admire your personal discipline and intelligence the most. You have a quick mind and an attention to detail that is difficult to match. These abilities allow you to solve any problem that comes your way!

January 18 Birthday Element - Earth

Your sign’s paired element is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with Earth. All Earth zodiac signs share a sense of practicality and prudence. Instead of having your head in the clouds, your interests are grounded in what is real and pragmatic. Unlike other Earth signs, your fundamental connection with Earth makes you highly active and an initiator. Embracing Earth’s positive qualities will become one of your greatest assets, but be careful to avoid Earth’s negative qualities, which include becoming overly conservative.

January 18 Ruling Planet - Saturn

The Capricorn is under the planetary rule of Saturn, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Mercury lends you a helping of its special planetary power as well. Being the planet of control, Saturn is connected to your strong discipline and responsibility. In the same light, it is Mercury, the planet of communication, that connects to your mental agility. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more intellectually driven and more of a natural communicator than the other Capricorn Decans. You can always create structure and order, even in the most hectic situations. In love, you display the same devotion and dedication that characterizes all aspects of your life. Find a partner that shares in your need for faithfulness and dedication, as this will bring you the greatest sense of satisfaction.

January 18 Capricorn Personality

With these appealing Capricorns born on January 18, the accent is on charisma. They can charm anyone and have the potential to be manipulative. Mostly, they are forthright and honest in their emotional dealings with others. They need excitement and variety, constantly craving new experiences and the chance to alter their professional and personal circumstances.

January 18 Birthday Horoscope
January 18 Birthday Horoscope