February 2 Birthday Horoscope

February 2 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

February 2 Zodiac Sign - Aquarius

Being an Aquarius born on February 2nd, your personality is defined by your open and imaginative nature. In all your dealings, social and professional, you adopt an honest and straightforward attitude. As a result, you are a true example of the statement, "What you see is what you get." Your family, friends, and coworkers appreciate your avoidance of mind games and manipulation, almost as much as they admire your imagination. Your active mind allows you to see all the possibilities. In situations where no one can seem to come up with a solution, your imagination allows you to creatively solve problems.

February 2 Birthday Element - Air

Air is your sign’s paired element and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with air. Your special connection with air makes you determined and stubborn, much like a strong, forceful gust of wind. Air’s influence can also be found in your curiosity. When you find a topic interesting, your curiosity takes wings and leads you to knowledge and understanding. Air’s elemental influence will play a key role in your future successes, as long as you avoid its stagnant qualities, which include an unemotional and aloof state.

February 2 Ruling Planet - Uranus

Uranus is the ruling planet of the Aquarius, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, Mercury lends you a dose of its special planetary power as well. While it is Uranus, the planet of deviation, that links to your individuality and objectivity, it is Mercury’s power that is reflected in your mental agility and strong communication skills. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you the most natural communicator of all the Aquarius Decans. Your strong mind allows you to put logic and objectivity before emotions to make clear, well-thought-out decisions. Although your developed mind allows you to solve problems, it may also cause you to become dissatisfied when reality does not keep pace with your mind. In times like these, practice patience and realize that reality may take time to catch up with your vision. In love, find a partner who shares in your open and honest qualities, as this will bring you the greatest satisfaction.

February 2 Aquarius Personality

Aquarians born on February 2 have a modern outlook on life. They seem ageless, and their physical attractiveness testifies to their need to present themselves favorably. They are sticklers for honesty. They need to display their unconventional personality and embrace controversial issues.