April 14 Birthday Horoscope

April 14 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

April 14 Birthday Horoscope
April 14 Birthday Horoscope

April 14 Zodiac Sign - Aries

Being an Aries born on April 14th, you are characterized by generosity, optimism, and a fun-loving personality. When it comes to those you care about, you can be genuinely selfless. Your friends and family would be the first to admit that you are always willing to share your time, effort, and resources for their well-being. You bring this same positive attitude into all aspects of your life, as you are always able to see the best in people, situations, and experiences. These qualities combine to give you a great appreciation for life. More than anything else, you appreciate a new and exciting experience.

April 14 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is the paired element of the Aries and in fact, you have the only cardinal connection with fire of all the zodiac signs. Your special connection with fire gives your personality the self-starting qualities of a spark becoming a flame. Similarly, it is the power of fire that connects to the deep burning passion that defines you. When you are working towards a goal, your inner flame games even more strength and fortitude. As you embrace fire’s positive qualities, you will continue to work toward success. Fire does not come without its challenges however; overcoming the impatience and impulsiveness of fire will be a lifelong challenge.

April 14 Ruling Planet - Mars

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Mars, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the Aries sign, you receive a generous dose of Jupiter’s planetary power as well. Being the planet of assertiveness, it is Mars that connects to your vigorous, action-oriented, and courageous qualities. In the same sense, it is Jupiter, the planet of expansion, that ties to your truth-seeking, generous, and idealistic nature. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you the most intellectually driven and curious of all the Aries Decans. You are on a lifelong pursuit of understanding, which may take you into the depths of spirituality or philosophy. While it is easy for you to get lost in your "dreamer" mentality, your material pursuits help to keep you grounded. In love, find a partner that shares in your adventurous qualities, but is perhaps more realistic in their worldview.

April 14 Aries Personality

The great desire of the Aries born on April 14 is to forge a oneness between mind and spirit. They are highly evolved, emphatically intelligent people who are never afraid to question, to search, to dream.

April 14 Birthday Horoscope
April 14 Birthday Horoscope